I’m BACK! Also, #FITFRIDAYS Is The Instagram Live Show You Need To Watch During COVID-19

D3 The Concrete, bringing you fashion from the street with FITFRIDAYS

What’s good, y’all? This is D3 The Concrete, bringing you fashion from the street.

Now, for those that do not know me, I originally did a few articles here on the Highlark Magazine site OVER A YEAR ago and it was good. Then I was trying to do a whole bunch of stuff (too much?) at a time, which caused me to put my blogging on the back burner. Never again.

Now, that I am back, I want to make a pledge: I pledge to bring all of the past episodes of my show, #FITFRIDAYS, to not only my IG followers, but also to you! I started #FITFRIDAYS as a way to begin reaching out to my homies here and abroad, to link with them and talk to them as we were on a lockdown due to the (current) epidemic of COVID-19.

Take a look at the series premiere of #FITFRIDAYS below and find my other episodes on my IG LIVE (@d3theconcrete), every Friday at 6:15PM CST:

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