What’s good, y’all? This is D3 The Concrete, bringing you fashion from the street.
Now, for those that do not know me, I originally did a few articles here on the Highlark Magazine site OVER A YEAR ago and it was good. Then I was trying to do a whole bunch of stuff (too much?) at a time, which caused me to put my blogging on the back burner. Never again.
Now, that I am back, I want to make a pledge: I pledge to bring all of the past episodes of my show, #FITFRIDAYS, to not only my IG followers, but also to you! I started #FITFRIDAYS as a way to begin reaching out to my homies here and abroad, to link with them and talk to them as we were on a lockdown due to the (current) epidemic of COVID-19.
Take a look at the series premiere of #FITFRIDAYS below and find my other episodes on my IG LIVE (@d3theconcrete), every Friday at 6:15PM CST:
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