Tiffany Bozic’s art is a depiction of our continued, yet eroding coexistence with the natural world. Clicking through her portfolio pieces in succession, I saw a kind of metamorphosis in her work. Some pieces have an embryonic air, while others evolve into representations of childhood, and, ultimately, metaphors of death and eternity. Each piece seems inherently connected by an invisible and dewy thread; the same thread that spins the circle of life.

There is an emphasis on interdependence of organisms and harmony in Bozic’s artwork. The more chaotic pieces, while explosive, still convey a vision of peace as nature intended it. Tender motherhood and oblivious youth are captured through the lens of a naturalist, but also the lens of a human. Bozic reminds us of our identity as animals, and her work asks us to consider the relationship we have with our environment. She portrays animals as more than specimens to be doted on or gaped at. We often dismiss nature as inferior to our endless wit and craftiness, forgetting that it is an entity too immeasurable for us to fully comprehend.

Tiffany is a master of composition. She is able to grasp the profundity of her mind and spill it onto a canvas, creating hidden details and optical illusions in many of her pieces. I especially love “Melting Glass’, a painting of a nighttime tundra, with minuscule organisms swimming in the sky like a crustacean aurora. She is able to create a realistically metallic effect with acrylics, not unlike the surface of a beetle shell or a hummingbird coat. As shown in “Beetles for Scales”, many of Bozic’s organisms bring life to others, further enhancing the notion that every life form exists to sustain another.

Her pieces are innocently beautiful, but spiked with an air of regret. While absorbing them, one can’t help but envision the damage that has already been done to the natural world. It’s like a time bomb- the question has changed from “Will we destroy our world?” to “When will we destroy our world?” Do we even have the right to call it ‘”our” world anymore? Art like this does not merely serve to please the eye; it exists so that we, as an audience, can have a collective epiphany regarding our role in the gradual obliteration of the earth and its’ inhabitants. To view more inspiring artwork by Tiffany, visit


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