No Fear of Missing Out documents our music festival culture from the genuine fan point of view, including festival travel tips and an exclusive look at the Brooklyn Underground music world!

We are not spectators – we party with you (and harder) while genuinely capturing the beautiful world music creates.

We wish we could live in a music festival forever… so we live our lives fueled with music and adventure, providing you with genuine stories and music industry updates.







We have NO FOMO ’cause we’re out living.

Join us. #nofomo


  1. I think you might have taken photos of myself and my friend at Bonnaroo this summer. If you have any pictures of a girl with flowers painted on her boobs, that’s me!

  2. Hey brittany, hope your doing well. We at the bpm this year at the crew love party 🙂 I wanted to see if you could share with me some of those pictures you took of us with the brand Tshirt Papaupa and while we were partying over there. Would love to show my friends, hope you enjoy that Tshirt we gave you 🙂

    All the best,

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