Whether it’s a photo or art, we can usually buy a print of it to grace the walls of our home even if we can’t afford the original artwork. I’m a big fan of sculptures because there is a bit of math and science involved in creating them as well as the obvious artistic element. The problem is you can’t really take sculptures home with you. The website TOY QUBE offers a solution.

Well, maybe not exactly but the closest thing to taking home a really cool sculpture is taking home a toy! We call it a toy but really they are mini-sculptures like RON ENGLISH‘s “Boxing Brain” pictured in the image above. And yes New Yorkers, behind (or is it in front technically?) the “Boxing Brain” is the “Baby Hulk” mural located at the Houston Bowery Wall.

Anyway, TOY QUBE is a great site to look through for some really cool mini-sculptures you can actually bring home. It’s fun just browsing the site looking at cool “toys” but they collaborate with some world class artists so make sure you check back often. When you see a really cool item though don’t forget to buy that ish!


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