Troy Brooks


Troy BrooksGlamorous women gracefully collide with ancient mythology in Troy Brooks’s new solo exhibition, “Skinwalker.” The Toronto-based artist finds a lot of his inspiration from Hollywood – painting skinny, elongated women who look more than ready to walk down the runway. Troy’s new exhibition is made to contrast his last series, “Shinigami,” which was inspired by his mother’s death. “Skinwalker” provides a whimsical and bright contrast to his last exhibition, allowing the audience to become sucked into Troy’s elaborate, dreamlike word of sensual women.

The mythology of the Skin Walker is traced back to the Navajo, describing “a type of witch that has the ability to turn into or possess animals.” While the myth is often considered something to fear, Troy takes the concept of the Skin Walker and turns it into something to appreciate. The translucent and soft images of each erotic woman is intertwined with an animal, sharing the space, rather than completely transforming into another figure.

Troy Brooks

Troy’s oil painting, “Starfucker,” is a beautiful representation of his series. This painting depicts a tall, pale woman with a fierce look on her face and rosy-colored cheeks. Her long, skinny figure perfectly compliments her latex-like dress – which turns into octopus tentacles at the bottom. Her white blouse at the top of her dress resembles a puffy sleeved top one might see in 19th century women’s fashion. The contrast between the futuristic, latex-like, figure hugging dress and the victorian style blouse are similar to the contrast of his contemporary hollywood influence mixed with ancient mythology – both bringing the concepts of new and old together in an elegant and fashionable display

To see more of Troy’s solo exhibition, “Skinwalker,” you can visit the Corey Helford gallery in Los Angeles, where his striking oil paintings will be on display from February 24 through March 31 in Gallery 3.



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