Galantis live Hammerstein Ballroom


Last night, New York City’s Hammerstein Ballroom belonged to Sea Fox Nation and it will belong to them again tonight as Electronic duo Galantis get’s ready for night two in NYC.

There’s a whole lot of people who still roll their eyes when they hear Electronic Music, and admittedly I didn’t “get it” for a while.

But if you are still calling this robot music and swear it isn’t real music, you may have to think long and hard about the evolving landscape of music.

Galantis live Hammerstein Ballroom

I was invited to an intimate Q&A session with Galantis for AOL’s Build Series which took place a day before night one at Hammerstein.

Songwriter/producer Christian Karlsson brings a lot of cred with him as a member of indie pop band Miike Snow, and Linus Eklöw sometimes known as Style Of Eye also has an impressive list of clients under his producer belt.

Galantis live Hammerstein Ballroom

Coming from that type of background, Galantis spells freedom for Karlsson and Eklöw. They spoke about their latest single “Rich Boy’ which features a manipulated vocal track of an 8 year old girl singing, who happens to be a daughter of one of their friends.

Karlsson joked that with Miike Snow, he can’t really manipulate the singer’s voice. I mean, the singer would surely get mad right? This is true for most bands with a vocalist, but with Galantis, the voice can come from an 8 year old girl, or really anyone for that matter.

Of course no one is saying synthetic vocals will replace real singers, but we must face the fact that technology has deeply spread its influence into music.

Whatever your opinion is on Electronic Music, this computer music’s popularity is undeniable. It has spread from Europe to the US, and now to Asia as Japan get’s ready for their very first Electric Daisy Carnival later this month. Being on the road constantly year after year, Galantis agrees, Electronic Music is blowing up in Asia.

Galantis live Hammerstein Ballroom

What separates Galantis from the rest of the pack is that they are great songwriters. They started the project with a full length album Pharmacy, which is not a format popular in this genre, and speaking of albums, they are getting ready to release another one later this year.

They also talked about the different pressure they are feeling for their sophomore effort. For Pharmacy, it was a brand new project with no initial fan base. Now, there’s Sea Fox Nation, an army of loyal fans who are eagerly awaiting what the second album has in store for them.

The duo know that they can’t please everyone, but they do promise they will be themselves and keep doing different things. I for one, am down for that!


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Galantis live Hammerstein Ballroom

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