Premium Goods HTX x DJ Gracie Chavez Debut Collab in Rice Village Location

Two of Houston’s legends come together for the children.

This is D3 The Concrete, bringing you fashion from the street.

Yeah, I know it took me a while, but I have been SUPREMELY busy: my wife and I opened a bookstore (@CLASSBookstore on IG & FB; is the website. Check us out.); doing #FITFRIDAYS on my IG channel (@D3TheConcrete); producing a podcast called @RefreshinglyProblematic ( is the website). Blogging, though I still dig it, has taken a backseat and, for that, I do apologize.

With that being saying, in order for me to check out this event, I had to inform my people that I would DEFINITELY do this article and, as I am a man of my word, here we are.

My friend and legendary writer herself, DJ Gracie Chavez, came through and created some cool stuff to sell with streetwear/sneaker store, Premium Goods (HTX). Sneaker jewels (aka dubres), along with some self branded t-shirts are available at the Rice Village location and all proceeds go to Girls Rock Camp Houston, a non-profit organization that makes sure that girls get to step to the front and rock out using vocals, guitars, bass, drums, and all other instruments in between.

Check out some video footage below that I took and make sure to go to the following websites to get more information about all parties involved:

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